On children - A video Poem

During the pandemic, our theatrical endeavors were restricted, yet our passion for art endured. Hence, we conceived the notion of crafting video-poems, mirroring the theatrical process. Collaborating with actors, artists, and musicians, we embarked on a distinctive exploration of Kahlil Gibran's profound words from "The Prophet". This series, TEV's creation, aims to encapsulate the essence of Gibran's timeless wisdom expressed in his 1923 masterpiece, celebrated for its beauty and profound themes.

The first one in this series is "On children"

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video content


A video-poem based on Kahlil Gibran's beloved book, The Prophet! Combining visuals, voice over and music, each video is co-created with the artists to express the essence of Gibran's beautiful words.


Video Poem


Paintings - Gisele Moura

Flute Improvisation & Performance - Kristine Kirby

Actress (Mother) - Madhuri Gulati

Actress (Child) - Fatima Orlando

Voice over - Varshini Gatla

Filming - Andre Ladeira

Photography - MPerez

Film Editor & Co-Director - Calin Costian

Co-Director & Storyboard - Poornima Kirby

Words from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

Review quotes

performance history
(country, theatres)


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