Mothers of Freedom

"Mothers of Freedom" is a captivating and original co-created play that weaves together the remarkable stories of two legendary freedom-fighters: Harriet Tubman and Pandita Ramabai.

Harriet Tubman, known as an eminent abolitionist and activist, is celebrated for her fearless efforts in liberating hundreds of enslaved individuals from Maryland's Eastern shore, a pivotal figure during and prior to the American Civil War. Meanwhile, Pandita Ramabai, an esteemed advocate for women's and girls' rights in India, passionately campaigned against child marriages and established a sanctuary committed to empowering and educating child-widows.

This inspiring theatrical piece celebrates the indomitable spirit of these two extraordinary women whose unwavering commitment to freedom and justice continues to resonate across time and continents.



On stage

@The Foundry, 101 Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142
Thursday, June 13th - 7:30 pm
Friday, June 14th - 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 15th - 7:30 pm
Sunday, June 16th - 2:00 pm
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In 1888, on her tour of America, Pandita met Harriet Tubman, who was already at the height of her renown, and was becoming more involved in the struggle for women’s rights in America.  This play imagines their conversation - their laughter, solidarity, profound struggle and resilience.  Interwoven with Indian classical dance, live music, and real scenes and speeches from these women’s extraordinary lives, the play asks: how can we learn from the courage of the women who came before us to claim and sustain our freedom?



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