Welcome to our Italian Language Course! Whether you're drawn to the enchanting language, planning to visit Italy, or seeking cultural enrichment, this introductory course will take you on a journey through the beauty of Italian. From a basic survival kit, to intermediate fluency, we'll explore the language, culture, and traditions of Italy.
First Term
- Acquire the basic structures of Italian grammar and the simplest forms of communication.
- Understand short written texts, interact orally in a simple manner touching on topics of the personal and interpersonal sphere (family, work, leisure).
- Vocabulary: alphabet; basic vocabulary related to everyday life; verbs indicating everyday actions; types of food; cardinal numbers and hours; names of the week, names of months climate and seasons; temporal indicators; expressions of feelings or moods.
- Morphosyntax: articles; gender and number of regular nouns; adjectives; to be and to have; present indicative; pronouns; adverbs; conjunctions.
- Phonology: graphemes and phonemes of Italian.
- Culture: leisure, meal habits, holidays and traditions.
Second Term
- Consolidate and expand knowledge of Italian grammar and develop better communication skills in context. Understand written texts of medium complexity, produce short descriptive and narrative texts and interact orally in private and public spheres (travelling, shopping, using city services).
- Vocabulary: professions and workplaces; nouns with irregular plural; ages of life (childhood, youth, old age); descriptions of places.
- Morphosyntax: past tenses; simple future; pronouns; prepositions.
- Phonology: soft and intense pronunciation of consonants and their rendering graphic.
- Culture: elements of Italian literature and art.
Third Term
- Understand and produce argumentative and narrative texts of medium length, expand vocabulary with elements related to specific areas of study and interact more spontaneously with native speakers. Express opinions on socio-cultural topics of general interest.
- Vocabulary: specific vocabulary; nouns with different meanings in the masculine and feminine; compound words.
- Morphosyntax: servile verbs; simple negation; passive form.
- Phonology: intonations to express moods.
- Culture: Italian society; elements of Italian history.
Group class: 60€ per month
Individual: 130€ per month