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Odissi dance
Sanchita Banerjee

Friday - Every week


Sanchita Banerjee, a celebrated Odissi dancer, instructor, and exceptional choreographer, captivates global audiences with her exceptional performances.
"She infuses her spirit into the realm of the arts, enriching spectators with a blend of time-honoured traditions and groundbreaking ideas in her artistic ventures".
She is a disciple of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and Sujata Mohapatra, is an empanelled artist of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and has performed extensively in India and abroad. She received a Junior Fellowship for her research on the resemblance between Odissi dance and Odishan Sculptures.

discepola dei maestri Kelucharan Mohapatra e Sujata Mohapatra, è un'artista riconosciuta dal Consiglio Indiano per le Relazioni Culturali e si è esibita regolarmente in India e all'estero. Ha ricevuto una borsa di studio per la sua ricerca sulla somiglianza tra la danza Odissi e le sculture Odishan.


Group class : 80 € per month

Individual : 140 € per month

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